
About me: idk Welcome to my site I guess. This is the landing page. Everything on this page is outdated. Use the links in the navbar to find what you want.
This is my best attempt at creating a webpage.
Oh and also, if this is your first time visiting this site, idk. click here to go to pages Pages is just an information pages, but currently its just an information dump.



URPSSv1.5.0 wiki

click here to go to wiki if you can't click on the wiki link, that means you don't have access. Instead, you can use the wiki on this site. It is currently the only one that is being updated. You should first check out how to enter Input, then check out how the game works.

URPSS info

This is the simple info for URPSS URPSS v1.2.0
Here is the webisite for the URPSS-v1.2.0 readme: URPSS v1.2.0
Oh and I added a new wiki on this website, currently its an incomplete copy of URPSS v1.5.0 wiki. Please read the wiki before playing URPSS. You won't understand what to do. The story kind of gives you what you need. I'm currently only updating the website version of the wiki.

Emerald Delta Project

Main Page This is a project I made for the Ti 84 Plus CE calculator. Still updating, I haven't even made a beta version


Coming soon.
... after I finish ... stuff above. Hey! new update. I'm making it in a private repo. Not done, only alpha version. Give you update when ready. The project is on hold. Sorry

Discord bot

I'm making a bot. It's called Awesomebot2. It has a lot of extra features. The bot is really broken though. Haven't used python in a long time. LOL forgot some of the features. You can check out the stuff in other links

Cool Stuff


Hey. I'm thinking of adding more cool stuff go to a interactive
^That isn't very cool.

This is a test readme doesn't work, don't click.
Yolomep TomC++

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